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Genesis Mining bietet Vertragsumwandlung an


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Da mein Englisch zu schlecht ist, um das zu verstehen, will ich das Angebot hier im Original posten:


*Dear Miners*,

As you are aware, the recent decrease in the value of scrypt based
altcoins has made mining currently unprofitable. Due to the difficulties
being faced by cloud mining providers around the globe, many of our
competitors are ceasing their mining operations causing losses to their

The contract with Genesis Mining clearly states that after 20 consecutive
days of negative returns, the contract will terminate automatically. This
clause is important because it is impossible for any company to continue
mining operations while facing losses for an unforeseeable period of time.

Though we have not yet reached a point of negative mining operations, we
wanted to connect with our customers and notify them of the potential
issues being faced.

We, at Genesis Mining believe that for ensuring the stability of any
company, it is important to listen to its customers and cater to their
needs. Thus for us, keeping our customers happy and content is more
important than the contracts.

Bitcoins and cryptocurrencies are one of the most exciting innovations
we�ve seen in decades and we are on the front lines of the industry
together. With any emerging market, the industry is subject to rapid change
and uncertainty which leads to volatility. Though the current volatility in
altcoins could not be predicted, it has surely created a stir in the

Instead of simply turning away off miners and causing losses to our
valuable customers, we have come up with a solution. In the recent weeks,
we received several requests from our customers regarding the transfer from
scrypt mining to SHA mining. Initially, we did had to say no as it seemed
impossible considering the expenses involved in completing this transfer.
After lot of consideration and research, we are happy to announce that
Genesis Mining will bear the transfer cost and we are happy to announce
that all our current customers who had purchased scrypt mining contracts
will now have an option to transfer their current power to SHA mining
*This means the customers will be able to convert 1 MH/s of scrypt to 1
GH/s of SHA mining power*.

This is the solution that we are providing to you but the decision is
entirely yours. We simply wanted to develop a program that will solve the
problem being faced by our customers. This is a reaction to the current
market and should not be considered as a reflection of our views on the
potential market for altcoins.

As mentioned earlier, at Genesis Mining, our customers come first and we
intend to do everything possible to ensure that they are happy and
satisfied with our services. These are truly exciting times and we are
honored to have you as our customer. You supported us in the past times and
you can be sure that we will never forget this. We are committed to you and
I look forward to a long- term relationship with all of you.

*If this solution driven program interests you and you want to be a part
of it then kindly click on the �Transfer Hashpower� menu that will
appear when you log in next time in your user interface.* We will be able
to open this opportunity for you fort he next 3 days!

*We are excited about the future and want to
thank you for mining with us!*

Marco Streng
Genesis Mining Team

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Anders gesehen,soo fair ist das auch nicht....Die 1mhs ist teurer gewesen als 1 GHs ;) ist vllt besser als nichts,aber fair?^^


Na ja, immer noch "fairer" als einfach zu "verschwinden" :D


Da mein Englisch zu schlecht ist, um das zu verstehen, will ich das Angebot hier im Original posten:


"This means the customers will be able to convert 1 MH/s of scrypt to 1

GH/s of SHA mining power"



Also, mein Englisch ist auch nicht super aber wenn ich das richtig verstehe ist es wirklich "umgekehrt" wie ich weiter oben bereits geschrieben habe. Ich selbst habe dem Tausch auch vorhin so zugestimmt. Vielleicht kann ja mal ein "perfect speaker" hier mal eine Bestätigung dazu geben!

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Nachdem ich auf der NXT-AE von Genesis Mining schon mal mit einem Umtauschangebot  hereingelegt worden bin, möchte ich diesmal nicht nochmal hereinfallen. Vielleicht ist der folgende Text, der sich in meinem Account befindet, verständlicher:

Very Important notice!

Genesis Mining offers you the chance to convert your hashpower from scrypt to sha256.
The conversion rate is 1 GH/s of sha256 for 1 MH/s of scrypt. This offer will expire on 25 January 2015 at 08:00 UTC.‏

Please click the "transfer hashpower" button if you want to accept this offer.

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Das heißt,ihr könnt eure mhs gegen GHs tauschen,nicht umgekehrt ;)

Und das heißt auch das ihr eure GHs teurer kauft als wenn ihr direkt GHs gekauft hättet, da MHs einfach teurer waren ;)... Ist besser als abzuhauen,aber trotzdem ne abzocke ^^

Bearbeitet von josh_89
  • Love it 1
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Das kann ich dir doch nicht sagen xD ist dein Geld,aber wenig bekommen ist evtl besser als nichts...weil so wie ich es verstanden habe werden die ltc Verträge gekündigt, ob du dein Geld dann wieder bekommst,steht auf nem anderen Blatt.


Bei zeushash haben sie auch einfach die Verträge "gelöscht"...Kein Erstattung und nix...ich würde an deiner stelle annehmen.


Aber mach mich nicht verantwortlich wenn es die falsche Entscheidung ist,ich sage hier nur meine persönliche Meinung.

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